iPhone Buyers in Medelln??

My name is Brennan and I run Newaya (www.newaya.com). I'm traveling in Colombia this week and I am in Medellín until Saturday. If you would like to meet and talk about purchasing phones from us, please contact me on Whatsapp at 907-223-0438.

We sell 2,000 used phones and tablets per month. Mostly iPhones, iPads, and Samsung devices to phone dealers around the world. Our customers are in the USA, Colombia, Argentina, Ukraine, Russia, Dubai, and many more countries.

If you are looking for a reliable supplier, reach out to us and see how we do business. We have high quality product and a strong business reputation behind it. We're looking for customers that are growing their dealer business with hustle - together we can both be stronger.

Send me a message on Whatsapp at 907-223-0438. Cheers!
-Brennan at Newaya
