Looking for Retailers and eTailers to buy our stock.

Feb 14, 2016 (Updated Feb 14, 2016) Newaya, United States, Colorado - newaya

Hi, I\'m Brennan. I run Newaya, \(newaya [dot] com\) a cellphone buyback company in Colorado.

Newaya is growing. In 2014 we processed 3,000 phones. In 2015 that went up to 11,000. In 2016 we have our sights on 25,000. We\'re building our own software and developing relationships with real cellular companies. The future looks exciting.

I\'m looking for retail and etail businesses that are interested in purchasing quality phones for sale in their stores. Some of the best buyers we have run retail and online shops, and I want to grow that network. Please reach out to me at sales [at] newaya [dot] com to join our buyer list.

