HTC top execs Ben Ho and Fred Liu leaving the company

Jul 15, 2014 (Updated Jan 12, 2016) Cellpex, United States, Ohio - admin

Shakeups at the top of HTC continue - the Taiwanese maker is losing its Benjamin Ho and Fred Liu. Liu served as interim COO and was the President of Engineering & Operations, he is retiring after a 16 year stint at the company.

Fred Liu was responsible for steering the hardware and software design at HTC, leaving the lauded One phones and Sense as part of his legacy at HTC.

Benjamin Ho was the Chief Marketing Officer and will continue to serve as such until the end of the year. He took over as CMO relatively recently (January 2013), but his resignation has already been tendered.

Speculations point to the poor response to the pricy Here's To Change ad campaign starring Robert Downey, Jr., which raised brand awareness but failed to translate into increased market share in the US.

Cher Wang, co-founder and chairwoman of HTC will take over as Chief Marketing Officer, the company also recently hired Paul Golden away from Samsung who served as CMO at Samsung US. It hasn't been announced who will replace Fred Liu.

An official spokesperson for HTC declined commenting directly on the matter and had this to say about the current situation:

HTC's dedication to innovation drives us to pursue our goals. We are taking the necessary steps to create a resurgence of the HTC brand. As a company, we will continue to push forward, making the hard decisions needed to continue growing as a global presence. We are confident that the business steps we have taken, and continue to take, are the right ones to lead to a strong resurgence of the HTC brand. HTC continues to invest in talent and recruitment as part of our broader human resources strategy to ensure the continued strength of our company's organizational structure.

HTC is back in the black and hopefully these shifts won't affect its bottom line in the quarters to...

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