Microsoft explains why it's buying Nokia, says it needs a 'first-rate' smartphone experience

Microsoft's outlined its reasoning behind why it's gone deep into smartphones in a lengthy presentation file. Alongside cheering Windows Phone's current growth (No.3!), it's reaffirmed that it'll bring its products and services to rival mobile OSes and still involve itself with "iPhone and Android/Galaxy phones." However, it tempers this point, adding that the Redmond company can't risk "having Google or Apple foreclose app innovation, integration, distribution or economics." Given the strength of the top two, Microsoft is telling it straight, adding that it needs a "first-rate Microsoft phone experience for users" to compete, suggesting that its portfolio of devices isn't quite there yet. The slides also outline the purchase of Nokia's patent collection, one which Microsoft believes is one of the most valuable in the tech sector. MS also thinks that the acquisition will speed up innovation within Windows Phone and protect its future. So, some high hopes for the purchase.

Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Microsoft, Nokia

Source: Microsoft (PDF)

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