anyone having experience with this supplier?

AKGUSA he\'s a trust-ready member, but I don\'t know how trustworthy this means. I\'m going to negotiate a large deal with him.

the trust thing means not much. all that is required is that you have a bank account in the bus name and a tax id. Ok the tax id takes 5 minutes to get online. The bank account is easy to get with no verification if you have your TAx id letter. Then you have to send in a DL and proof of address. None of that proves that the person is or is not scammer. I am not saying anything about the person or anyone else. Just stating that its simply not proof enough to know anything about them. This is one reason i do not do the verification. I do know that this guy was calling my partner last week looking for stock. i dont know if that means he found some or not. I would be cautious on any big deal with anyone you do business with. get POS and never wire money up front to anyone.

livewire ( 0 ) on 16 Jul 2008 22:03

livewire wrote:
the trust thing means not much. all that is required is that you have a bank account in the bus name and a tax id. Ok the tax id takes 5 minutes to get online. The bank account is easy to get with no verification if you have your TAx id letter. Then you have to send in a DL and proof of address. None of that proves that the person is or is not scammer. I am not saying anything about the person or anyone else. Just stating that its simply not proof enough to know anything about them. This is one reason i do not do the verification. I do know that this guy was calling my partner last week looking for stock. i dont know if that means he found some or not. I would be cautious on any big deal with anyone you do business with. get POS and never wire money up front to anyone.
Thanks! I definitely got to know better about the \"trust-ready\" thing part.

mercury1231 ( 0 ) on 17 Jul 2008 00:01
16 Jul 2008 21:16
Joined Mar 2008
Anna FAN
Anna FAN
United States, OR