goxm (alias Peter Former)and m25 (alias Mart

Do a lot of attention, are cheaters, after a negotiation I anticipated 17,000 €, after more than a month have not yet received anything, let alone my money back, e-mail does not answer. I am willing to give all the explanations and evidence of what I write, you can send to: info@microro.com

Why as m25 not been suspended if he is also a scammer he still as selling offers on this board.

RSPDISTRIBUT ( 0 ) on 23 Jun 2008 07:23

i know m25 and untill i told him a couple weeks ago who peter frommer was he was unaware. I have not done any deals with him but he is going to pick up some phones from a dealer that i do know is legit. I did not introduce them. Martin has asked in the past to have peter frommer come and check out the stock we have and i have told him we do not deal with him. be aware frommer is going around claiming to have a nokia contract with a company that does not exist. He contacted me and others i know about it. admittly we even fell for it till we found out who peter was. Thanks to cellpex for that. He told one of my customers he was PJ and that he was just bad luck to have a very close last name but his is spelled differently. NEVER EVER WIRE MONEY UP FRONT TO ANYONE. GOXM , peter frommer and anyone he works with does not have phones they cant get any. I know of one deal he tried to do. Once the person found out who was trying to buy the phones they canceled the deal. ALso while we are talking of scammers. Stay away from AR resource corp, CNM Group, Abide records, AR corp, chauncee marks. This is all the same person and all the same company. She changes her name everytime she gets caught. Stay far away from both of these people.

livewire ( 0 ) on 16 Jul 2008 22:21

mr frommer is now involved in credit card fraud. Check out topix.com search for peter frommer

livewire ( 0 ) on 04 Aug 2008 22:38

I'd like to know if anyone here knows of any other associates of Peter's...perhaps past partners who we should be aware of or anyone that regularly does business with him. We've been contacted by another party who had mentioned an affiliation to Peter Frommer, the details around it were murky, although the partnership was said to be severed. Can anyone shed light on other business dealings, partners, or associates we should be aware of. Thank you.

acromedia ( 0 ) on 05 Aug 2008 10:45

i know of a jose morallas and another Jose , christian, a lady named shae. Those are ones we know of.

livewire ( 0 ) on 05 Aug 2008 19:56
16 Jun 2008 10:15
microro ( 0 )
Joined Nov 2005
Ruggiero Gianfranco
Ruggiero Gianfranco
Italy, MS