
Sentiment for Apple Weakens Ahead of Earnings: What It Means

Jett Winter submits: Today's Piqqem sentiment results for Apple (AAPL) going into their earnings announcement on Tuesday, July 20, surprisingly show that sentiment for Apple has dropped 15 points to the lo    

Four out of five cell phones to integrate GPS by end of 2011, says iSuppli

With cell phones increasingly becoming the nexus of the burgeoning markets for navigation and Location Based Services (LBS), the use of GPS technology in such platforms is set to explode during the coming years    

Windows Phone 7 in-depth preview

digg_url = ''; It's been a long road, hasn't it? Well, in some respects, it hasn't -- in fact, it's only been about two ye    

White iPhone 4 delay: the challenges faced by Apple's glass supplier

digg_url = ''; This almost goes without saying, but it's truly been a wild ride for the iPhone 4 over the last three we    

Google halting Nexus One sales through official store after current inventory depleted

We knew this was eventually coming, and here it is: Google is giving everyone the heads-up that it just got a fresh batch of Nexus Ones in stock, and once they've been sold through, they'll no longer    

Apple to give away free cases to iPhone 4 users

Apple's not really ready to say it's sorry about the iPhone 4 antenna design, but it is willing to give all you darn squeaky wheels free cases for your trouble. Since Apple can't build its own Bu    

Steve Jobs: Apple's 'Not Perfect'

Erick Schonfeld submits: After starting out with a light-hearted YouTube video about “Antennagate” at the Apple (AAPL) press conference going on right now to address the issue (read our live    

Keep tabs on the wireless industry's performance in the second quarter

With the second quarter earnings season for the wireless industry set to get underway tomorrow (Sony Ericsson is scheduled to report earnings Friday), how will the industry perform? Check here throughout the se    

CE-oh no he didn't!: Microsoft's Kevin Turner says iPhone 4 might be Apple's Vista

While not technically a CEO, Microsoft chief operating officer Kevin Turner is not immune to a certain amount of executive level foot-in-mouth. Speaking at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference in DC an    

Modu, world's lightest cellphone, lands in UK

Another day, another... oh wait, what's this? The Modu phone has been an enigmatic figure in the mobile world, treading the precipice of vaporware for a while before finally launching in its home market of