
RIM to offer all Blackberry users free apps starting October 19

RIM takes its apologies one step further after the nasty outage of RIM's servers which made all Blackberry users' life hell for a period of up to three days. Following the company's o    

iPhone 4S shows key design and component changes, says IHS

While much of the coverage of Apple's iPhone 4S announcement focused on the new device's similarity to the iPhone 4, an IHS analysis of the product illustrates key changes in the product's featur    

Microsoft doles out the dough to Nokia and Samsung, plans Mango marketing bonanza for year's end

Know who loves it when other OEMs call him big poppa? Ballmer, that's who. So much so that he's opened up the company's coffers to Nokia and Samsung for a holiday blitz of Mango marketing. Hold o    

Steve Jobs in his own words

I'll always stay connected with Apple. I hope that throughout my life I'll sort of have the thread of my life and the thread of Apple weave in and out of each other, like a tapestry. There may be a fe    

Steve Jobs passes away at the age of 56

We have really sad news to share with you. Steve Jobs - Apple's co-founder; the person who transformed the mobile technology industry, passed away today, at the age of 56.Following is the statement fro    

Today We Have Lost An Amazing Innovator. RIP Steve Jobs

We have got some really sad news. Steve Jobs has passed away at 56. He truly changed the way we live our lives each and every day. Rest in peace.    

Android, Window Phone smartphone vendors to expand market share on disappointing iPhone 4S, say sources

The newly released iPhone 4S lags behind some mainstream smartphones as far as specifications are concerned, giving rival companies in either the Android or Windows Phone camps, including HTC, Samsung Electroni    

Samsung moves to ban the new iPhone 4S in France and Italy

Samsung's lawyers have been after the next generation iPhone for weeks now and after yesterday's official announcement, they've upped the ante. They've filed preliminary inju    

Everything you need to know about the iPhone 4S [ROUNDUP]

You may or may not have noticed that we're increasingly busy with Apple's event and the iPhone 4S announcement last night. Our blog has also been feeling underwhelmed throughout the evening fo    

Android distribution in September: Gingerbread surpasses 38%

The numbers from the monthly Android version distribution report are in and September is most probably that last month with Froyo in the lead. The Gingerbread ascend continues, while Honeycomb is finally starti