Over 3K Units in A+, A, AB iPhones & Androids Available Daily

With over 3K units in stock we are always looking to establish relationships with buyers that are looking for Refurbished, A+, A, AB and BC iPhone stock. We also carry Motorolas, Samsungs and HTC Devices. Please visit our Instagram page to view pictures or website to view informaiton on our company:

We are Retail Friendly, Etail Friendly and can provide wholesale rates.


Please feel free to whatsapp or email us. We look forward to speaking with you!

You can whatsapp us at 405-962-9977


I've been waiting over a month on $18k worth of product from All Cellular Solutions... Completely unacceptable.

Please disregard my last comment. There was a mix up between two different orders and there are no issues.